HEM 1250

The shredding takes place through newly developed eccentric discs and the special shredding rotor. With a fittet screen basket a precise end product size is achieved.


  • Metal
    • car bodies, aluminum profiles and bales, engine blocks, white goods, light metal scrap


  • high performance
  • low energy consumption
  • processing costs per ton are approx. 50% lower than standard/conventional mega shredders
  • high mobility through track system
  • accurate end product size due to special shredding rotor
  • extreme durable tools


Motorkraft 710 HK
Vægt Fra 49 t
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Kontaktperson1 hos Kiesel


Henrik Hansen

+45 40 20 78 72
Kontaktperson1 hos Kiesel


Brian Hansen

+45 24 44 86 88
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