Affald forarbejdningsanlæg

Waste of any kind or origin is now a valuable resource. The processing of this raw material into its recyclable materials makes sense economically. The HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik GmbH supports you in this task with its individually planned waste processing plants.

  • Waste
    • domestic waste, C&I waste, bulky waste, demolition waste, tires


  • Primary shredder
  • Metal separation
  • Screen technology
  • Sorting lines
  • Auftrags- und Fördertechnik


  • individual planning
  • high performance
  • low energy consumption
  • low noise emission
  • minimal dust formation
  • durable tools
  • rugged construction


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Kontaktperson1 hos Kiesel


Henrik Hansen

+45 40 20 78 72
Kontaktperson1 hos Kiesel


Brian Hansen

+45 24 44 86 88
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Metal forarbejdningsanlæg

Following is a precise separation of magnetic (ferrous) metals and non-magnetic (non-ferrous) material.

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VB 950

Motorkraft 760 HK
Vægt 46 t

Materiale trækkes direkte ind og makuleres af akslerne, og materialer adskilles magnetisk.

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VB 450

Motorkraft 140 HK
Vægt 9 t

Slidstærk, med høj ydeevne, et lavt energiforbrug, samt et lavt støjniveau.

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